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Table 2 Adherence to ART among stable people living with HIV (n = 4101)

From: What are the determinants of antiretroviral therapy adherence among stable people living with HIV? A cross-sectional study in Cambodia

Assessment of ART adherence

Frequency (%)

Self-reporting adherence



484 (11.8)


3617 (88.2)

Visual analogue scale


 Visual analogue scale score ≤ 95

120 (2.9)

 Visual analogue scale score > 95

3981 (97.1)

Knowledge of pill identification test


77 (1.9)


4024 (98.1)

Combined method*


554 (13.5)


3547 (86.5)

  1. ART, antiretroviral therapy; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus.
  2. * Participants would be considered ‘adherent to ART’ if they reported that they adhered to ART, had the visual analogue scale score > 95, and could correctly answer all questions in the knowledge of the pill identification test.