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Table 1 Sociodemographic characteristics, comorbidities, health service satisfaction, mental health, and quality of life of stable people living with HIV (n = 4101)

From: What are the determinants of antiretroviral therapy adherence among stable people living with HIV? A cross-sectional study in Cambodia

Sociodemographic characteristics

Frequency (%)


2402 (58.6)

Age group



380 (9.3)


493 (12.0)


1584 (38.6)


1240 (30.2)


404 (9.9)

Marital status


 Never married

429 (10.5)


2421 (59.0)


1251 (30.5)

Formal education level


 No formal education (0 years)

727 (17.7)

 Primary school (1 to 6 years)

1980 (48.3)

 Junior high (7 to 9 years)

848 (20.7)

 High school (10 to 12 years)

386 (9.4)

 University (≥13 years)

160 (3.9)




769 (18.8)


1074 (26.2)

 Self-employed business

770 (18.8)

 Government staff/uniformed officer (policeman, soldier)

171 (4.1)

 Private employee/non-governmental organization staff

331 (8.1)

 Construction worker

617 (15.1)

 Motor/taxi driver/other

369 (9.0)

Monthly income (USD)


 0 to 100

1974 (48.1)

 101 to 200

1289 (31.4)

 201 to 300

466 (11.4)

 301 and above

372 (9.1)

ART duration


 1 to 5 years

723 (17.6)

 6 to 10 years

852 (20.8)

 ≥ 11 years

2526 (61.6)

Mode of transport to access ART clinic



121 (3.0)


265 (6.4)


3102 (75.6)


490 (11.9)

 On foot/ boat/ship/other

123 (3.1)

Patient satisfaction with healthcare services


 Very dissatisfied/dissatisfied

61 (1.5)

 Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied

182 (4.4)

 Very satisfied/satisfied

3858 (94.1)

Relationship with healthcare providers



3630 (88.5)


457 (11.1)


14 (0.3)

Having diabetes mellitus

320 (7.8)

Having hypertension

692 (16.9)

Having elevated cholesterol

272 (6.6)

Traveling time (≥ 1 h)

2050 (50.0)

Clinic waiting time (≥ 2 h)

2014 (49.1)

Poor self-efficacy in health responsibility to maintain life

1178 (28.7)

Poor self-efficacy in physical activities for life

1739 (42.4)

Poor self-efficacy in nutrition for life

1181 (28.8)

Poor self-efficacy in spiritual growth for life

1129 (27.5)

Poor self-efficacy in stress management for life

921 (22.5)

Poor overall self-efficacy

2671 (65.1)

Depressive symptoms

800 (19.5)

Low perceived social support

22 (0.5)

Moderate perceived social support

288 (7.0)

High perceived social support

3791 (92.4)

Total score of AIDS-related stigma and discrimination experienced ≤ 2*

2724 (66.4)

Total score of internal AIDS-related stigma ≤ 4*

3822 (93.2)

Total score of fear of AIDS-related stigma and discrimination ≤ 1*

3568 (87.0)

Quality of life (physical component summary) < 50†

1537 (37.5)

Quality of life (mental component summary) < 42†

830 (20.2)

  1. HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; USD, the United States dollar.
  2. * Total scores for the three main categories of stigma and discrimination were tabulated using the People Living with HIV Stigma Scale. A total score of stigma and discrimination ≤ 2 indicates low stigma and discrimination. A total score of internal stigma ≤ 4 indicates low internal stigma. A total score of fear of stigma and discrimination ≤ 1 indicates low fear of stigma and discrimination.
  3. † A score of ≤ 50 on the physical condition scale indicates a physical condition, and ≤ 42 on the mental condition scale indicates clinical depression.