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Table 1 Inclusion and exclusion criteria for the ALIVE-Ex Study

From: An aerobic exercise intervention to improve metabolic health among people living with HIV with at-risk alcohol use: the ALIVE-Ex research study protocol

Inclusion criteria

Exclusion criteria

PLWH ≥ 18 years of age

Diagnosed diabetes (self-reported)

Fasting plasma glucose between 94 and 124 mg/dl

Lack of informed consent

Answered “No” to all questions of PAR-Q, with the exception that if participants answered “yes” to taking medications for high blood pressure, they were evaluated at medical clearance and enrolled into the study, based on the discretion of the cardiologist

Non-English speaking


Females who are pregnant


Acute alcohol intoxication on any visit days as determined by breathalyzer


Additional exclusion criteria for exercise intervention


Orthopedic or cardiovascular complications that preclude from exercise


Peripheral neuropathies


Allergy to lidocaine


Use of anticoagulant medication (blood thinners)


Acute illness within the preceding six weeks of study visit (fever, new antibiotic use, or unscheduled healthcare visit (for illness)