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Table 1 Baseline characteristics of 2592 HIV-infected patients

From: Factors associated with pre-treatment HIV RNA: application for the use of abacavir and rilpivirine as the first-line regimen for HIV-infected patients in resource-limited settings

Baseline characteristics


Median (IQR) age, years

35.8 (29.9–42.5)


1883 (72.6)

HIV exposure


1456 (56.2)


778 (30.0)

 Intravenous drug use

93 (3.6)


265 (10.2)

Median (IQR) body mass index, kg/m2

21.1 (19.0–23.4)


683 (26.4)


 No, n (% tested)

1208 (50.7)

 Yes, n (% tested)

1176 (49.3)


208 (8.0)

Hepatitis B surface antigen

 Negative, n (% tested)

1925 (89.2)

 Positive, n (% tested)

232 (10.8)


435 (16.8)

Hepatitis C antibody

 Negative, n (% tested)

1844 (91.7)

 Positive, n (% tested)

168 (8.3)


580 (22.4)

Syphilis serology

 Negative, n (% tested)

825 (80.4)

 Positive, n (% tested)

201 (19.6)


1566 (60.4)

Median (IQR) duration of HIV diagnosis, months

4.3 (1.4–29.2)


29 (1.1)

HIV subtype

 CRF01_AE, n (% tested)

796 (75.1)

 B, n (% tested)

173 (16.3)

 Other, n (% tested)

91 (8.6)


1532 (59.1)

Median (IQR) HIV RNA, copies/mL

100,000 (34,045–301,075)

Median (IQR) CD4 count, cells/mm3

147 (50–248)


106 (4.1)

Median (IQR) CD8 count, cells/mm3

753 (485–1103)


1268 (48.9)

Median (IQR) CD4:CD8 ratio

0.19 (0.09–0.32)


1268 (48.9)

Median (IQR) total lymphocyte count, cells/mm3

1472 (1000–2005)


286 (11.0)

Prior AIDS illness


1698 (65.5)


894 (34.5)

  1. IQR interquartile range
  2. a Values are n (% total) unless otherwise specified