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Table 3 Study Outcomes at Week 48

From: A randomized, controlled trial of initial anti-retroviral therapy with abacavir/lamivudine/zidovudine twice-daily compared to atazanavir once-daily with lamivudine/zidovudine twice-daily in HIV-infected patients over 48 weeks (ESS100327, the ACTION Study)


ABC/3TC/ZDV (N = 138)

ATV+3TC/ZDV (N = 140)

Completed study

103 (74%)

98 (70%)

Prematurely withdrawn 1

36 (26%)

41 (29%)

Virologic Failures

18 (13%)

17 (12%)

Primary Reason for Withdrawal 2 , n (%)


   Adverse event

6 (4%)

11 (8%)

   Lost to follow-up

12 (9%)

14 (10%)

   Protocol defined virologic failure3

16 (12%)

16 (11%)

   Subject decision

3 (2%)

1 (<1%)

   Protocol violation


2 (1%)

   Investigator decision


3 (2%)


6 (4%)


  1. 1. One subject in the ATV+3TC/ZDV group had a missing completion status.
  2. 2. As reported by study investigators on Study Conclusion case report form.
  3. 3. Subjects with confirmed virologic failure with subsequent HIV-1 RNA < 1265 copies/mL were allowed to remain in the study on randomized treatment; therefore the actual number of virologic failures is greater than the number that withdrew from study. In the ABC/3TC/ZDV group, 7 virologic failures completed the study and 2 were lost to follow-up. In the ATV+3TC/ZDV group, 6 virologic failures completed the study and 1 was withdrawn with a protocol violation.
  4. 4. Other included (number of subjects): incarceration (2), site not operational due to Hurricane Katrina (3), moved out of state (1).