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Table 4 Tested, received results but did not take NVP

From: Missed opportunities for participation in prevention of mother to child transmission programmes: Simplicity of nevirapine does not necessarily lead to optimal uptake, a qualitative study

Non Health Systems reasons:

'She said she did not come for 'environment' <Nevirapine> because she did not believe that she was HIV+. UG06TN'

'The labour went very fast and she forgot the tablet at home whilst she was rushed to hospital. When she got to the hospital, she delivered immediately whilst she was about to ask the nurse. The child became infected, sick and died...She thinks if she has used the tablet (Nevaripine) the child would still be alive now. RG01VM'

Health Systems reasons:

'A day after delivery the nurse came to her, asked whether she got the tablet. She told the nurse no. The nurse asked her to follow her and when they reach the room (privately) she asked whether she was told about it, she agreed. The nurse asked her why she didn't ask or remind the nurse to give her the tablet and the (nurse) blamed on her for being stupid. The nurse gave her the tablet which was whitish according to her and the nurse told her to find water somewhere and drink it when I asked her whether they told her the name of the tablets she mentioned Nevirapine. She said <Site B> had nurses that were like they were burning in hell according to her. She was not happy to be a patient at <Site B> and will never advise a person to go there.

'She's not willing to meet the nurses again. It was better if she didn't know her status. She hasn't taken her child for nine months because of that reason. RGO8WB'

'She was never given the tablet when she delivered her baby and was not told why she was not given. (She mentioned that it was written on the card that she is having "Pre – AIDS"). She was told by the nurse at a local clinic that the nurses at hospital will know that they will have to give her this tablet because it is written on the card. RG02VM'

'(On Tuesday) the doctor told her to go to the labour ward because she was about to deliver. She told the doctor that she is not feeling any labour pains. The nurse gave her the Nevirapine tablet and told her to take it immediately. Indeed she took it immediately whilst she was not feeling labour pains. She did not have labour pains until Thursday 6H30 when she felt labour pains. She was asked by another nurse if she was given Nevaripine and she told that nurse that she was given it on Tuesday and she took it immediately. That nurse said they are not going to give her another one instead they will give drops to her baby after the baby is born. RG08VM'

'The nurse gave her the tablet to take it immediately on the same day although she was not feeling labour pains. On the (next day) at about 1 am she felt labour pains and she was given another tablet. RG09VM'